Friday, October 24, 2008

Football Pep Rally Treat Ideas

This is what I came up with for the pep rally treat tonight. Our team is undefeated and I thought this went well. On the back I have the info for the game time and place. I found a lot of ideas here. I wanted to also get "crush" pop and put CRUSH Bingham!! But, they don't sell crush in smaller individual containers anymore :(...just 2 liter bottles. There are 21 boys on Dallin's, I just stuck with this! Good for the boys too! :)

This is one of the cutest football rally treats I have ever seen, and NO..I did not come up with this. One of the mom's on Dallin's team did. Isn't it awesome. Just click on it to make it larger and you can read what she wrote. Very creative!!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

These are so cute! I miss Curt's football days but I don't miss having no Saturdays :)
I watched the video, Dallin is so good, Ronan is way impressed.